Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is YOUR opinion?

Everyone has opinions, some are accurate while others are just unfounded (or misinformed) information. Currently many in our world are stating their opposition to nuclear power due to the situation in Japan - telling anyone who will listen about the dangers of that form of power generation over any and all others. How did they (or you) arrive at this opinion?

When you actually research the facts ( you discover that actually nuclear power is one of the safest methods of generating power. Now the question is: Did you know about this chart before you acquired your opinion or point of view? If so, how do the facts resonate with you? This chart really upsets many people, and they start to believe something MUST be wrong with it, because the nightly news media certainly point the exact opposite direction. I suggest that this information gives proof at how easy it is to fear the unknown and accept our current status quo.

In my opinion, anytime reality doesn't match your expectations, it means that marketing was involved. Perhaps it was advertising, or perhaps even story telling by an industry. We seem to hear various stories daily in our lives that we allow to pass as truth without questioning. It never ceases to amaze me how much marketing colors the way we see things in the world - or our reactions (either way) to what is being presented.

As so often happens to me, this reminds me of a quote I like: One's first step in wisdom is to question things - the next step is to come to terms with those things. This also brings me to something my grandfather taught me years ago as a child - "There is a limit to how smart someone can be, but no limits on how stupid." I believe it was Forrest Gump that coined the phrase "Stupid is as stupid does." and that goes for not questioning data when we receive it.

These are my thoughts, what are yours?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March Madness - I'm not talking basketball here!

It's amazing the different types of responses you can get when you attempt to talk to some people. I've always held the thought that if you want to HEAR (and maybe learn) you must cultivate an open mind. When you ask most folks if they feel they have an "open mind" you will most always hear - ABSOLUTELY. Then when you start to talk about something they tune you out or become totally disinterested in even listening. I suppose given today's times that concept (listening to others thoughts or opinions that may be different from yours) is considered old fashioned. I find myself wondering why so many folks today have such resistance to hearing something new or different? Could it be that they already have their minds made up about how "things" are or should be, and just don't want to "rock" their worlds? I don't know of anything much worse than the hardened soil of a closed mind!

What can cause this? I have several potential suggestions:

PRIDE - Sometimes our pride causes us to feel that we already know what's best. Nobody else could think of something "better" than what we did.
FEAR - We are sometimes afraid of what may be said or that we may learn, that we didn't consider earlier and it could possibly cause us difficulties in what we already know.
BITTERNESS - We are angry or bitter because someone else was (or is) smarter (or more educated on that subject) than we are and thought of this new or better way before we did.

This leads me to ask a very difficult question: Are you willing to go thru the next 10 years just as you did the last decade? If so, Why? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and listen to some new data or thoughts? If not, Why not? (I know that was 2 questions but cut me some slack here - I'm rolling.)

I'm suggesting that for the Lenten Season this year instead of "giving up" something you consider adding something - and of course that "something" is - listening, really listening, to others viewpoints and consider what they may be advocating. Then actually DO something what what you just learned and see where it may lead you. It's during that "DOING" part that the fear factor seems to appear for most folks.

One of my favorite saying's is: It's what you learn after you "know it all" that really counts - and this statement is attributed to Harry S Truman. What is it today that you are absolutely positive that you "know it all" about that you're willing to listen to others with an open mind?

These are my thoughts, what are yours?


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Wonderful quiet and rainy day in Georgia - perfect for reflection and deep thoughts. Sometimes it is profitable to ask ourselves some simple questions such as:

I wonder how people feel about me?
Do I leave behind a train of sadness or of gladness?
Is my memory, in others minds, entwined with mercy and goodness, or would they rather just forget me altogether?
Do I leave Blessings behind me, or am I a bane to others?
Is my life a pleasure to people or a pain?
Do I leave behind peace in lives, or turmoil?
Do I represent forgiveness, or bitterness?
Do I reflect contentment, or conflict?
Do I leave behind flowers of joy, or frustration?

Some folks enter our lives and leave behind such a sorry mess wherever they go that they have to cover their tracks and leave quickly. Do I ever feel any sense of shame or fear in going back to where I have lived or been before? If so why? It is my goal in life to leave a legacy of uplift, encouragement and inspiration to others. Am I staying focused on my goal(s) each and every day or do I allow the pressures of the day to change my focus? Do I ask enough questions of myself and/or others? Can asking questions be the answer?

I want to always be able to look at the mountains and see the beauty, not thinking about the difficulty of climbing them. To focus on the positive side and the possibility thinking rather than the dark viewpoints. I want a legacy of kind and tender thoughts from others and knowledge that goodness and mercy has followed me all the days of my life.

Where are YOU today? What are YOU thinking about today? These are my thoughts about this subject - what are yours?