Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Drama Free Living.

My wife and I really enjoy a suspenseful drama, on TV or at the movies. But drama in real life, on a regular basis, not so much fun. I much prefer a stable, predictable daily life without all the created drama.

Think about it. What makes a drama "Dramatic?" Crises! These crises (and the actors struggles to overcome them) are diverting and exciting when they are happening to fictional characters on screen, but not so desirable when they involve us personally or effect our lives.

Washington politicians are masters of drama that, for the most part, are exhusting, frustrating, and sometimes very scary. These crises suck the joy right out of our daily lives. Most of our current crises are absolutely man made, invented, crises that are intended to provide gain for those creating them and divert those opposed to them into spending time and effort overcoming the drama.

We see the same issues at the state and local levels also. Maybe it is the politicians that we need to get rid of so we can enjoy a drama free life. Think about any single situation gaining news headlines today other than a car accident or shooting, fire, etc, and I submit that a politician has created the drama to drive one of their personal goals forward.

Maybe we all need to revert back to the time of those earlier TV shows, like Andy Griffith, Carol Burnett, I Love Lucy, and Newhart where even the crises aren't too likely to raise our bloodpressure too high. I'd much rather fall off my chair from laughing too much than from sitting on the edge of the seat and dodging bullets.

If we the people could just get term limits passed on the politicians, so that they never have enough time to gain power and build those crazy bases, maybe that would help on the Washington front too. Nah! I've watched Peachtree Corners, Gwinett County, and Georgia Politicians who have just come into office and quickly created too much drama and crises. Could it be that this is why voter turnout is getting so low and apathy is rising?

These are my thoughts, what are yours?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Can you be counted on?

Commitment.  Most folks don't seem to have the slightest idea about the real meaning of commitment. They make commitments casually, daily, then the break them for the slightest reason (or no reason at all just because they feel different) without any hesitation, remorse, or regret.

Folks who understand commitment and it's meaning, are faithful to their word. They finish their agreed upon tasks. They fulfill their responsibilities. They keep their promises - commitments - every single time they make one. These folks are known as trustworthy and dependable. They never leave a job half done, and they don't quit when obstacles arise and discouragement comes, as it almost always seems to.

Commitment has always been a rare quality, that is why it is so valued and important.
  •      When our public leaders make a commitment to govern according to their promises and the rules we need them to actually do that. We don't want them to forget their promises and then try to blame others or find excuses like changed circumstances to justify their failure.
  •      When our spouses or families make a commitment to us we expect them to fulfill that also. Not cheat on our spouse with another person we find who appears appealing or exciting at the moment. Not promise to spend time with our children then break that promise due to something we want to do at the moment instead of what we promised them we would do with them or for them.
  •      When co-workers make a commitment their fulfillment or lack thereof may cost them and us our employment. Then we seem to forget the real reason for our situation and blame the economy or the company or someone else.
I suppose true commitment boils down to accepting personal responsibility for our own actions and decisions. Maybe that explains why it has been such a rare quality and why it is so valued and important.

So what about you? How's your commitment level? Could it stand a little polishing up?  I know I need improvement in this important area of my life, for example I haven't posted on my blog for over 3 months - what does that say to the folks who follow my blog?  I'm certainly letting my commitment down for them.  Oh, I have excuses, great ones too, not junk like the dog ate my post, but it doesn't matter. I failed. Forgive me please, and allow me another chance to earn your trust and respect back.

These are my thoughts today, what are yours?