Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do you know where you're going?

Today I'm at a business meeting to discuss where we've been business wise so far this year, where we've stayed on plan, where we've missed our plan, but most importantly where we're going for the rest of the year and to start thinking about next years plan.

While doing all of this I happen to read an article about traffic issues in a major city and a report that the problems are caused by folks not knowing where they are going. Isn't that always one of the major causes of all of our difficulties in life?

Many people seem to float thru life, from problem to problem without ever pausing to consider where they are going and what they are doing to know how to get there. A GPS in your car is a wonderful tool, but only helps you if you turn it on and use it.

Same thing with your business plan or your personal life plan. First you must actually HAVE a plan, then you MUST USE IT! If you don't already have written goals for your business and personal life, the absolute most important thing you can do today is to stop whatever you are doing, pull off the road, and turn on your GPS to develop and write down your goals. Nothing else is more important!

You don't need too many, and they don't have to be fancy, but they must be clearly written and you must live with them and refer to them daily. I don't know one single successful person who doesn't have and use written goals. Not one!

Force yourself to know where you are going today..

These are my thoughts, what are yours?

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