Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This is a huge realization in my life, but sometimes reality just has to be faced head-on. Does this mean that I now must stop trying to watch my weight or health? Not at all! It just means that despite any desires I might have it just will never be possible, no matter how much motivation or mental preparedness I develop, I just don't have what it takes to become a professional level body builder.

Does this sound out of character for the Steve Rausch you have come to know? Not at all, I still believe in creating dreams, showing spirit, and working hard towards a goal. I just need to be realistic about the fulfillment of some of the goals I set.

I still embrace the concept of living life doing what you love with all the passion and spirit you can give. Just be sure to have a healthy dose of reality so that you aren't chasing an empty or impossible goal. My personal body and my decisions about time spent on just one single segment of my life, will never allow me to reach that professional level - I can still spend time on training and exercise, and IMPROVE my body, but realistically I can never, given my circumstances and age, reach that top professional level.

I was deeply saddened by the death of Dan Wheldon this week, but I also rejoice knowing that he died absolutely happy doing what his passions and spirit led him to do for earning his living. None of us know when our time is up on this earth, but how many of us know that we are daily doing exactly what it is that makes us the passionate driven person that we want to be doing exactly what we love in our daily lives. I also lost a good friend several months ago who was a pilot. He made a landing and taxied into a fuel pump and died in the cockpit. I had many prior conversations with him and one of his concerns what dieing while flying his beloved airplane and (A) hurting someone on the ground, (B) ruining his aircraft which he had spent many hours restoring to like new condition. He died, I'm confident, absolutely happy at that moment.

I have been blessed in both my business and personal life to be able to make that claim also - how about you? If you aren't, then start right now, today, to change yourself and take personal responsibility to begin doing what it is that you love daily.

These are my thoughts, what are yours?


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