Thursday, November 17, 2011

ISO Meetings Part Two

After another full day of work we have accomplished the following:

Introduced and gotten approval for ISO to follow the latest ANSI Standards changes regarding the Coefficient of Friction issues.

Another vote via Internet on the new generation of test methods and criteria for adhesives which seems to have pitted Mapei against Laticrete as to what new testing methods and criteria is or is not needed in the setting materials business. Much discussion on both sides.

More discussion on the thin ceramic tiles or panels still not resolving the many differences in definitions, characteristics or test methods required for successful installation. Italy and China have been the countries with the most differences although Japan and other countries are now becoming involved.

The working group discussions on installation methods, as expected, still has no clear direction due to the many varied different conditions and methods used in the various countries and regions of the world. Several smaller national members would like a new labor standard to be developed but they have no resources or interest in working to develop those standards. The larger countries, like the US, have standards and are willing to share those but the standards cover much different installation methods so they are not useful unless labor in those other countries would completely change how they currently install.

Two other working groups also met, on ceramic tile test methods and product specifications and neither had much progress or major conflicts to resolve.

The Backer Board working group presented our proposal for the new CBU backer board standard and it was agree to be accepted as a working group draft which means that it will now be electronically distributed to the 50 member countries of the TC for comments and preliminary voting during the next few months.

One final report will follow


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