Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Standard World??

Lately I've spent a lot of my time involved in working on Standards. I'm involved in ASTM, ANSI and ISO and all 3 of those organizations develop and provide standards to help improve our world. I heard a number which shocked me recently - there are over 6,000 standards in use in over 80 countries in the world today. Yet the work is just barely begun as we still seem to see stories in the news on a regular basis about some product coming into the US defective and being sold to unknowing consumers because there was/is no standard in place currently covering that particular product. The gypsum industry learned that lesson the hard way a few years ago.
Believe it or not, almost everything you see or touch today is somehow covered by a standard in some way, either materials used or the testing protocol to bring the product to the marketplace. Yes, even your local ATM machine has many standards. Since I'm involved in the building materials industry I'm somewhat forced to become involved in building codes - and in the latest codes for residential buildings alone there are over 1500 ASTM specifications, practices, and test methods that the industry must comply with.
There are standards for everything - even standards about how to write and produce standards. There are standards for amusement park rides, standards for the vehicles that get you to the park, standards for the products in the hotels you stay in while visiting the parks, etc, etc. The funny thing is when you come across something that has no standard, then nerds like me immediately want to create a standard so that product too is covered!
Now I have to be honest here, nobody I've ever heard of grew up dreaming of becoming a standards developer. Not that there is anything unsavory or unsatisfying about being in the standards workplace - is is just necessary, low-profile work that some folks seem to end up involved in and usually either like it or leave quickly.
So in closing this Raving I want you to think about this: As you are decorating your house or even your tree this year know that the lights are covered by a standard, the ornaments are covered by standards, even the garland is covered by a standard. Doesn't that just take the joy out of your holiday season!!!

These are my thoughts, let me hear yours.

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