Saturday, May 19, 2012

Are you happy?

Are you happy today?  Today I want to take some time to think about what makes someone happy.  I've found that sometimes the things that make me happy are things that I had no idea would affect me at all.  Other times I have to actively think about and seek out things that make me happy.  Maybe I'm over thinking everything. Maybe I'm expecting too much.
Right now I feel happy, but why do I feel that way? Is it because I'm doing what I want to do (thinking and writing) and have not one but two dogs laying near me, both very content and happy, while at my lake house with part of my family around me? Or is it just something that happens cosmically and today is my time?
Are there things going wrong around me today? Yep, as they always do and will, but why allow those minor items to change your personal level of happy?  I believe that "happy" is a state of mind and it can be (maybe should be) completely apart from events happening around you. Those dog's are a great example for me as to how to be happy.  All it takes is - nothing - yep, nothing, for the dogs to be content and happy.  I've watched my dog be happy inside or outside, with us or alone, dry or wet, etc.  Somehow God made dogs happy no matter what is going on around them.  My dog also never seems to worry about things either.  She has nothing new to wear, and sometimes goes long periods of time without food, yet she never seems to be bothered by those circumstances. One thing for sure, when she see's me or another member of her family that she knows and loves she surely does get happy - so happy her tail is about to knock her off her feet from wagging so much!  I don't ever remember beings quite so happy my tail wags - I wonder if I should consider that too?
Maybe that is the key to my being happy also.  Just stop worrying and stressing about circumstances and decide that no matter what happens (or doesn't happen) according to my desires or wishes, I will still be happy with my life.  WOW!  I feel better already. Now to go power wash the house, cut the grass,  and wait for the A/C repairman to show up and fix the problems with cooling............

These are my thoughts on Happiness, what are yours?

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