Thursday, August 23, 2012

20 Minutes

Can such a small amount of time as 20 minutes make a difference in anything? 

I've been pondering this question for more than a week now and I need help making up my mind about this. We all seem to receive the exact same amount of time in a day, 1440 minutes, yet some folks seem to accomplish so much more that I do with their time.  What really baffles me is they seem so relaxed and calm while accomplishing piles more than I do.  How do they do it?

As I lived in the past several weeks I keep getting hints about 20 minutes:
- The preacher at church service last Sunday morning suggested I spend the FIRST 20 minutes of each day in prayer and quiet time with God.  Now I absolutely KNOW that this is great quality time and it makes a difference in my life, but really? Only 20 minutes?
- A time management expert was being interviewed and talked about dividing every task into 20 minute segments to accomplish it. Focusing on any subject for 20 solid uninterrupted minutes will guarantee you accomplishment he claimed. Gee, every time management course or goal setting course I've taken always talked about the longer the time frame the more certain the outcome.  If you plan short you accomplish short - now this is saying exactly the opposite.
- A friend was talking about how he has changed his outlook on life by looking at 20 minute time segments, that is, if something won't matter 20 minutes from now why should you bother having it matter right now?  Live fully in the minute you are in he said,  but always be aware of the important things that you want to accomplish in life and ask if this 20 minutes is adding to that goal.
- The opposite discussion on the radio,  was about how 20 minutes can completely change your life from pleasure to sadness or sorrow. Heart attack, car accident, etc.

I even attempted to ponder this seemliness unanswerable question for 20 straight minutes and discovered that I fell asleep while quietly thinking.........

This is one of those times I don't believe I have the answer and need YOUR help to think through this question - What difference can or has 20 minutes made in your life? 

These are my thoughts, what are yours?

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