When you speak freely you expose yourself and others, to what you actually believe. Unless you force yourself to speak otherwise what your mouth will say is what is in your heart. If you speak words of criticism and hate, your are not strong inside with love towards others. If you speak words of positive thoughts and love, its a pretty good signal about how you feel about others also. Politicians train themselves to use this knowledge to their advantage. (Yep! That is what I truly believe!)
Now you cannot see what is in somebody elses mind or heart, HOWEVER, by listening to what they say when they speak freely you will know what is inside of them. When someone else is putting on an act, or onstage so to speak, they can say anthing and not really mean it. But in times of pressure and stress people usually don't think before they speak so what they truly believe will come out. That is why the spin handlers of politicians hate it when the candidate goes "off script" and speak freely. That is usually when they tell what they truly think and believe. Other folks go through life not thinking ever before they speak, and we usually don't care much about what THEY think!
I'm always interesting in what I can learn from those others around us. That is another reason to surround yourself with folks you admire, like, and know are educated and strong thinkers - that helps you to grow and improve yourself. If you hang around with bums and shallow thinkers then you become a bum and slack thinker. If we allow ourselves to be around great folks and we open our minds to the ideas, experiences and suggestions of others it is amazing what we can learn. I have learned, especially in the business world, that I can't possible know everything so it is critical, in my opinion, to listen to and consider the thoughts and ideas of others. You may choose to accept or reject their thinking, but I believe you owe it to yourself to at the very least listen openly and consider their thoughts before you decide.
Now this thought isn't intended to condemn us but rather to wake us all up to reality - that is when you speak openly and freely be aware that you will naturally tend to speak what you believe. To me, that is a good thing, and that is why I generally feel that people tend to tell it straight and honestly unless they force themselves to speak dishonestly, or maybe have a media spin master writing their speeches. When they do that there are always telltale signs that they aren't speaking honestly and again that too is a good thing if you can pick up on those signs and signals.
These are my thoughts on this subject, what are yours?
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