Monday, November 28, 2011

Protect what you create.

I was talking with a friend over the holiday weekend and learned that he is in the middle of a big home remodeling project which includes new tile flooring. He is doing part of the project himself and having contractors in to handle other parts. Naturally during our conversations about this project he asked my opinion on several issues, one of which is how in the world does he protect his finished tilework while others are walking around doing other work?

I was happy to educate him about using USG's Fiberock Floor Protection Paper to stop the dirt and other bad things from ruining his hard work and efforts. Most DIY'ers don't know about the TCNA Handbook but in that document it discusses protecting new tile work and that is exactly the role that this paper plays. What is necessary is a product that is fairly cheap, easy to work with, and yet still provides protection.

As I told my friend, I just don't know why EVERYONE who does any flooring work of any type, DIY or Professional, doesn't use this product every single day to protect what they create.

These are my thoughts on this, what are yours?


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