Sunday, August 21, 2011

But it's NOT MY FAULT!

In today's times it seems that everyone from the President on down to the local businessman wants to fall back on that old line: "It's not my fault" "It was _______'s fault and I'm just stuck with the mess they created."

Whatever happened to the old standard of personal responsibility?
Whatever happened to taking the responsibility for who you are, where you are, and what you are doing (or not doing) that is causing the current situation you find yourself involved with?

I know several folks who are long term unemployed and they all have the same excuse as to why they are where they are currently - It's not their fault! One guy needs to speak Spanish to get the role that he is looking for, yet he's not willing to take the time and effort to learn the language, so he continues to get turned down for the jobs he apply's for.

There's an old quote about doing the same things over and over exactly the same way and expecting different results! Why not try something new and different today just for the fun of seeing what may actually happen?

Another fellow I know has a job but isn't earning the money he wants, but just sits at his desk and cry's about how people aren't coming in his door and buying. When I ask him about the old lost skill of "Prospecting" for new business he just stares at me and said: "What's the use? People just aren't buying today!" That's another way of saying: "It's not my fault!"

Funny thing is this - some folks ARE taking personal responsibility for their situations, even if it really isn't their faults, and making progress towards success on a daily basis. Somehow I just believe they will be the first ones to emerge from this recession on top of their fields and doing the most business.

My suggestion today is that you take time right now to think about your situation and make a list of just 3 items that you can do to improve it. Don't try to work on 5-10 items, just focus on 1 to 3 items and when you have changed those items repeat the process.

This is my thoughts about this subject, what are yours?

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