Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Gift

John Wayne (a Great American) once said "Life is Tough, Life is Tougher when you're Stupid." Everyone must be getting dumber today as life is certainly getting tougher today. It seems no matter where we go or turn we hear bad news and disappointments. It comes from all directions, almost in a non-stop rage.

As the rain falls on our Labor Day Weekend retreat at the lake house, I picked up a book that I've had for several years, wanting to read it but never quite finding the time. As the old saying goes, "When the time is right for the student, the teacher appears!" This must be the right time for me to learn the lessons from this book. The book is: The Gift, by Ron Reynolds. It is fascinating and so relevant to today's times. This book is about YOUR Talent, YOUR obsession, Your calling, yes, YOUR GIFT!

Everyone has a GIFT, it's just that most of us don't bother to discover our gift nor use our gift. Oh we somehow knew we had a gift when we were younger, but the hard knocks of life have somehow dampened our view of our gift and allowed us to forget that we ever even had a gift, but we all did and still do. I want to share part of my gift with you right now.

"IF YOU WOULD PLANT FOR DAYS, PLANT FLOWERS. IF YOU WOULD PLANT FOR YEARS, PLANT TREES. BUT IF YOU WANT TO PLANT FOR ETERNITY, PLANT IDEAS!" By sharing and teaching your ideas to others, you truly do affect eternity, for rest assured that there will be NO LIMITS to where your influence stops. By touching another life and helping to change the direction of that life through your ideas and teachings, you have the capacity to alter events.

Many of my friends question why I started this blog, and I never had a good answer for them other than I just wanted to share my thoughts and ideas with others. Now, today as I read this book, THE GIFT, I too am receiving enlightenment as to where this gift of mine has come from and where it is leading me towards. Simply helping others by improving myself.

Please, I plead with you, take time to reflect and re-discover your gift and start using it today to help others. I promise you that the outside world will never understand, and you may not change the bad news that comes daily, but you will absolutely change your little part of the world and bad news won't be nearly so bad for you when you do.

These are my thoughts today, please post your comments with your thoughts on this.

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