Friday, February 17, 2012

Asking Questions Again?????

I've talked a lot about asking questions, but in my humble opinion, it is absolutely the most critical life skill that we have. You certainly don't have to be in a sales role to need this skill, but you almost CAN'T be in a sales role without it.

The basic questions are really quite simple:
I submit that you almost always need to know these basis answers before you can accomplish much of anything - especially that SO WHAT part. You can't answer the SO WHAT part without asking those other 5 questions first, at least not accurately.

Take any subject matter you wish, then apply these 6 questions and I believe you will have found the handle to the situation in almost every case. I also suggest that if you skip these questions then what you are doing is making a guess (possibly an educated guess but still a guess) based upon your personal beliefs or bias. To find TRUTH and ACCURATE information requires the information be recovered before forming your decision.

Can you think of a single situation where asking questions isn't the answer?

These are my thoughts, what are yours?

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