Thursday, April 7, 2011

More on Legacy

Since my last post I've received several comments about my statement on leaving a legacy with your life, and especially with your children. After the comments I did a little further research and discovered:

*According to Barna Research, only 1 in 4 Americans even has a Life Philosophy. Now I find that interesting because I would have thought that less than 1 in 10 has a written Life Philosophy.

*Very few people have any notion about what kind of legacy they want to leave behind when they die, and those that do don't seem to understand HOW to create a legacy.

*Our culture today is obsessed with success, however we choose to define that word. We seem to assume that if we become really good at what we do then we will automatically earn the benefits and accolades that should come from or with success.

*Richard Halverson, former chaplain of the U.S. Senate, points out that our goal in life shouldn't be to just "be good," but rather to "be good for something."

*If that "something" is limited to just personal success, then our impact on the world around us will also be limited. To put this another way, don't confuse resume skills with leadership skills. And neither may be related to the world's definition of success.

The difference between your resume and your legacy is:


What you've accomplished. -What you've contributed.

The money you've made. - The difference you've made.

The impression you leave. -The impact you've had.

Self Improvement. -Helping to improve others.

What you've learned. -What you've taught.

Have you been just building a resume or preparing to leave a lasting legacy?

These are my thoughts, What are yours?


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