Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Success for 2012 hints.

Want big success in 2012?

It's as simple as football. 1. Know the rules. 2. Know the Playbook. 3. Execute.
You do know the rules don't you? Do you follow them?
What about your playbook? You have one don't you?
Execution is where most folks fail. They just keep getting ready to get ready but never seem to actually get into the game with action.

As a pilot we talk about "Flying in the Soup." Which means flying your airplane in poor weather conditions. Sometimes life provides us with poor conditions also - so here's what you need to do to overcome this.
1. Know the rules. 2. Know the playbook. 3. Forget your feelings. 4. Trust and believe your instruments.
Now the first two are the same as football. Number 3 means you can't rely on just how things feel when you fly - you must have accurate facts. Where do you get the "Facts?" From number 4 - trusting and believing your instruments. Same easy steps as football without a sight or vision reference. Much as the economic conditions we experienced during 2011.

Success in 2012 is really just about taking common sense steps that you already know and applying them plus doing the execution, even on those day's you may not feel like it.
As the shoe company said: "JUST DO IT!"

Merry Christmas to All.

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